The sequel to the kids’ animation 100% Wolf, titled 200% Wolf, is described as only 3% watchable or 81% likely to give viewers a headache. The film follows Freddy Lupin, a teenage heir to a family of werewolves who can transform into a neon-pink poodle under the full moon. In this installment, Freddy is desperate for respect from his pack and prays to the moon spirits for help. A mischievous spirit named Moopoo grants his wish, but chaos ensues when the spirit crashes down to Earth, involving a witch played by Jennifer Saunders.
Critics have noted that the film feels frenetic and chaotic, lacking the charm and silliness of its predecessor. It has been compared to lesser-known children’s shows found on streaming sites, with a seven-year-old viewer losing interest after just 10 minutes. Despite this, there is a decent dog joke in the film that may appeal to some audiences.
200% Wolf is set to be released in UK and Irish cinemas on September 20th. While the original film had entertained audiences with its silliness and humor, the sequel falls short in terms of pacing and entertainment value. With a combination of werewolves, mischievous spirits, and a witch, the film may have some elements that appeal to younger viewers, but it may not capture the same magic as its predecessor.
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