President Donald Trump issued an executive order on gender on his first day back in power, stating that males become males and females become female “at conception.” However, medical experts have stated that all fertilized eggs contain both male Y and female X chromosomes, and the gender reveal does not happen until later in the pregnancy. The differentiation of sex organs begins to develop between nine and 13 weeks, and it is not always a binary male or female pathway.
The order aims to defend women from gender ideology extremism and restore biological truth to the federal government by recognizing only two sexes, male and female. However, experts have pointed out that defining sex solely based on reproductive cells is inaccurate and overly simplistic, as sex can be based on anatomy, physiology, genetics, and other factors.
The redefined definition of sex in the EO excludes gender, gender identity, and any other characteristics, focusing only on biological characteristics at conception. Critics have pointed out that sex is complicated and can be defined in many ways, including based on sex chromosomes, internal organs, and reproductive cells.
The executive order has drawn criticism from medical professionals, who emphasize the complexity of sex and the variations that exist, including intersex individuals born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not align neatly with male or female categories. They believe that the EO is an attempt to gloss over the reality of sex and gender complexity and targets the transgender community by excluding gender identity from federal programs and services.
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