A recent article in the Las Cruces Sun-News highlighted the alarming lack of voter participation in New Mexico’s primary elections. In 2024, only 17% of registered voters cast their ballots, with over 300,000 voters being blocked from participating in primaries altogether. This lack of participation raises concerns about the representativeness of the state’s democracy.
New Mexico Senator Carrie Hamblen has called for the adoption of semi-open primaries as a way to improve voter participation rates. Currently, the state only allows registered Democrats and Republicans to participate in primaries, excluding a large portion of the population who are registered as independent or unaffiliated voters. By opening up primaries to all registered voters, New Mexico could join the majority of states that have partially open primary elections.
Studies have shown that closed primaries can lead to disenfranchisement, political stagnation, and voter apathy. By advocating for semi-open primaries, New Mexicans can work towards a more inclusive and representative democracy. Senator Hamblen encourages residents to support legislation for semi-open primaries during the 2025 legislative session and educate others about the benefits of opening up primaries. Learn more about this issue and how to get involved at NMVotersFirst.org.
Photo credit www.yahoo.com