A recent U.S. Court of Appeals decision striking down net neutrality rules has sparked discussions in New Mexico about the importance of the issue. While the ruling may not have an immediate impact on the state, it could become a more prominent issue in the future, according to local academic Joshua Kastenberg. Kastenberg believes New Mexico could benefit from adopting its own net neutrality laws, potentially improving internet access in rural communities.
Despite the ruling, the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion in New Mexico is focused on ensuring reliable internet access for all residents, particularly in underserved areas. While the issue of net neutrality may not currently be a top priority in the state, Kastenberg sees the potential for New Mexico to mandate net neutrality in the future.
With the possibility of a “50-state patchwork of different regulations” on net neutrality looming, Kastenberg suggests that New Mexico politicians could demonstrate bipartisan support by codifying net neutrality. Ultimately, the issue of net neutrality may not be at the forefront of state priorities now, but it has the potential to become more significant in the future.
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