The iconic house from the popular Netflix show Breaking Bad is now up for sale in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The property, known as Walter White’s home in the series, is listed for an eye-watering $4 million, well above the neighborhood’s average home price. The single-story ranch-style house features four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a backyard pool, making it a standout property for fans of the show.
Owner Joanne Quintana shared that the house has become a tourist attraction due to its connection to Breaking Bad. She mentioned that the family has decided to sell the house and move on after over 50 years of ownership. Quintana also revealed behind-the-scenes details, such as Bryan Cranston’s dedication to his role and the family’s involvement in key scenes of the show.
Breaking Bad fans can now virtually tour the property and get a glimpse of television history. The house was originally scouted by the show’s crew in 2006 and has since become a symbol of the series. Despite the disruptions caused by tourists, the Quintana family has fond memories of their time hosting the iconic show.
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