After the premiere of the second season of Netflix’s hit series “Squid Game,” viewers criticized the show for casting a straight, cisgender male actor as a transgender woman contestant. The character, named Hyun-ju, enters the deadly games to pay for her gender-affirming surgery. While some thought the storyline would bring attention to the trans community in South Korea, others felt it missed the mark by not casting a trans actor. The show’s creator, Hwang Dong-hyuk, explained that it was difficult to find openly trans actors in the country. The show features Player 456, also known as Gi-hun, returning to the game to protect other players, including Hyun-ju, a former Special Forces soldier. Hyun-ju reveals the challenges she faced during her gender transition and the financial struggles she experienced. Despite her hardships, she remains a strong and inspiring character in the series. Critics argue that casting a cisgender man in a transgender role perpetuates structural inequalities and denies visibility to trans individuals. John Cho, an anthropology professor, highlighted the discrimination faced by LGBTQ youth in South Korea and the country’s reinforcement of traditional masculinity standards. The casting controversy has sparked important conversations about representation and visibility, but there is a need for further dialogue and action to address the disparities faced by queer communities in Korea.
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