Oasis, the popular 1990s band led by brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher, have announced their reunion after a 15-year split. The band will be embarking on a tour with 14 shows in the U.K. and Ireland next year, with the possibility of North American gigs as well. Oasis was known for their hit albums and songs, as well as their off-stage antics and disagreements. The band’s reformation has been met with excitement from fans, as the Gallaghers haven’t performed together since 2009. The decision to reunite may have been influenced by the success of other 90s bands, such as Blur and The Stone Roses, who have reunited in recent years. The potential income from the Oasis reunion tour is estimated to be significant, highlighting the continued popularity of live music for big-name acts. Liam Gallagher’s recent solo arena shows and Noel Gallagher’s solo career have also added to the anticipation of Oasis getting back together. The Gallaghers have hinted at a possible reunion in recent weeks, with a video posted on social media teasing the announcement. The Oasis reunion tour is expected to be a major event in the music industry, drawing in fans from all over the world to see the iconic band back together on stage.
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