In Taos County, New Mexico, a tragic incident unfolded Thursday evening resulting in the deaths of two individuals. The New Mexico State Police responded to two separate shooting calls that led them to the Smoke Shop on state Road 75 and a home on Puertocito Road in Chamisal. At the Smoke Shop, Faith Flores was found dead from at least one gunshot wound. At the home on Puertocito Road, Ruben Martinez was discovered in the driveway with fatal gunshot wounds.
Following the incidents, 76-year-old Manuel Martinez approached NMSP officers at the Puertocito Road location and confessed to shooting and killing Ruben Martinez. He was subsequently taken into custody, and a gun was found in his truck during the arrest. Manuel Martinez is now facing two charges of murder and is being held at the Taos County Adult Detention Center.
This heartbreaking event has left the community in shock and mourning the loss of two lives. The investigation into the circumstances surrounding the shootings is ongoing, and authorities are working diligently to gather all necessary information. The motive behind the tragic incident has not been disclosed at this time. As the case unfolds and more details emerge, the community eagerly awaits justice for the victims and their families affected by this devastating crime.
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